Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Biodisc dan Nanowand= Adik beradik?

Sumber: forum

From Benedict (Batu Caves, Selangor):

Have you check the site "Amega Global Nano Wand"??? If Dr Ian Lyons spent years of his life researching, how would on the earth, another genius made the same invention that he did? The braclets claimed to able to give the SAME benefits as BioDisc! TELL ME THIS: WHY HE DIDN'T PATENT HIS DESIGN AND RESEARCH? Is't NOT his own idea? Is he also another COPY CAT?

Sumber: Invention Review Blog
  • Q1. What are the names of the inventors for "Nano Wand"?
  • Q2. Within the field of Nanotechnology, there are over 9000 US patents that are granted [10] and applied [11]. Is Nano Wand patented? If yes, what is the Patent Publication Number? If no, are you infringing on any of the US and non-US patents [16]?
  • Q3. Is there any "Nano Wand" scientific publication? If yes, please let us know the citation information?
  • Q4. Based on my limited knowledge in the field of nanotechnology [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], please let me know more specifically the sub-technologies within the very broad field of nanotechnology that are relevant to Nano Wand - eg. Bucky balls? Fullerene? Nanotubes? Quantum dots? Intelligent Agents?
  • Q5. While the "Nano Wand" document [1] is informative, there seems to be more fiction that science - I would strongly encourage this salesrep to include more references in his document, rather than just speculative and very fanciful/wishful claims.
  • Q5a. For instance, the Nano Wand document [1] speculated about the ability of the 'Nano Wand' to re-energised liquid - that's pseudoscience [13].
  • Q6. Assuming that the Amega users testimonial are real, could the users be experiencing a Placebo effect? [14]
  • Q7. The Amega Global "Nano Wand" product seems to resemble the Amezcua "Bio Disc" [15]. I can't help but noticed the similarities between Amega and Amezcua. Hmmm..
  • Q8. Within Video 1, the boy was playing with the 'Nano Wand' for almost 2 minutes. Can someone tell me what was that for?
  • Q9. In view that "Nano Wand" is such a wonderful product, may I invite Arun to submit his product to SPRING Singapore [9] or any relevant authority [10] for testing. Once done,  pls share with us the pdf of the test report(s). Am very certain that if the test reports are positive, you can expect a huge jump in terms of your "Nano Wand" sales - when that happens, you don't need to share the commissions with me, as I prefer to dedicate the merits, positive effects and commercial profits to all sentient beings instead.

(Produk Nano Wand mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama dengan BioDisc. Justeru, penulis blog di atas menujukan kesembilan-sembilan soalan yang sama kepada pihak Qnet yang menjual Biodisc).

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