Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Pencipta Biodisc?

Namanya Dr Ian Lyons.

vision3001 said... 
"• Who is Dr Ian Lyons from Germany? Please tell us his academic background (which hospital that he practiced his surgeon and which university he had done his PHD?) • According to a QN IR from Thailand called Nuzky, he claimed that Dr Ian Lyons is now the Chief Scientist in US for the StemCell. But it has been proved that they are not the same person! • Which means one of your Questnet IR doesn’t speak the truth. Dishonest! • According to QN IR named Rommel from Qatar, he mentioned that Dr. Ian Lyons works with wine company in Australia and governments. Well where is the proof? Which wine company and which country’s government that he mentioned about? • Did Biodisc patented? Yes, which patent no.? No, why not? Is he another copycat? • Did Ian Lyons achieve any scientist awards that recognized internationally? • Did Ian Lyons received Nobel Price for his superb creation of Biodisc helping mankind? • Before Ian Lyons partner with Vijay Eswaran from Questnet, which company that he is working with? • According to Dr Amir from Super Qi Gong, he mentioned the named Dr Ian Lyons, the QI Emitting Device is made by METAL DISC, not GLASS with 13 minerals. It cost RM400, instead of US$500. I am wondering why the first VIVIFIER QI is made by METAL, and now the same inventor creating the Disc in Glass?"

My request is very simple, just tell me some scientific publications done by Ian Lyons.
1. Year of publication
2. Names of author(s) including Ian Lyons
3. Title of Paper
4. Name of Journal

The questions above was asked by a blog reader at Sze Zeng's blog, on October 12, 2009, but no reply from Qnet/Qneters until today.

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