Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Disclaimer yang merugikan pengguna

Sumber: blog Sze Zeng.

Update 16 Aug 2007:
Check out the Amezcua's disclaimer statement (viewed on 16 Aug 07):

"Should the buyer and/or user experience any contra indication of any nature whatsoever or feel that it may, the buyer and/or user should immediately consult its medical practitioner/ physician and seek professional medical advice. It is the responsibility of the buyer and/or user to ensure that this product’s use is appropriate for any particular application. This product has been used traditionally and has not been scientifically evaluated for its benefits and efficacy.

The information contained herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Any opinions, recommendations and forecasts provided are not necessarily the current opinions, recommendations and forecasts of the sources and may be changed without notice at any time. All liability whatsoever arising from any error in or omission herein and for all consequences of relying on it are expressly disclaimed.

This product is sold "as is" without any warranty of any kind. Amezcua hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to this product including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose."

In other words, the company does not warrant any claim for bio disc, claims includes its benefits:

  • It is known to create positive energy field
  • It can potentially harmonise and balance your body’s rhythmus.

This is like saying, "This $500 disc can improve your health but there is no warranty that it is so." Add to that, there is no scientific claims being warranted as well 'This product has been used traditionally and has not been scientifically evaluated for its benefits and efficacy.'


  1. Pada tarikh penulis blog membaca disclaimer di atas (17 Ogos 2007), syarikat Amezcua menyatakan tiada warranty. Jika pengguna menghadapi masalah kesihatan selepas.akibat menggunakan biodisc, itu adalah masalah pengguna, tiada kaitan dengan biodisc atau syarikat yang menjualnya.
  2. Disclaimer itu juga menyatakan biodisc digunakan secara tradisional dan tiada pemerhatian/kajian saintifik berkaitan manfaat dan keberkesanannya. (Macam mana guna secara tradisional sedangkan biodisc ini dikatakan satu 'invention' moden???)

Ini bermakna biodisc bukanlah produk yang terbukti secara saintifik!
Dan sekarang disclaimer ini telah dipadam daripada website Amezcua, tanpa ada update samada berkaitan warranty atau kajian saintifik.

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