Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Syarikat yang membuat biodisc.

In forum

Asked by Authenticity from Lexington, KY:

Has anyone ever asked where this BioDisc was manufactured? All websites says Product of Germany. However, can someone provide the registered name for the manufacturing company in Germany and a physical address of the manufacturing plant? If this is indeed using nanotechnology, you can't just produce this anywhere. It will have a strict code on how this plant is set up and the machinery and technology used. Allow users to verify the existence of this manufacturing plant and not just how great this product is and maybe I will consider that this is not just a scam.

If their argument is that they can't indulge the information because they are worried that someone might copy/reproduce this item, then have they not heard about patent? If this is indeed a company that deals with nanotechnology, they will patent all research and no one can just walk in and reproduce this so called BioDisc. 

From Harianto Adi (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia):

If you are a promoter of BIODISC it is a miracle, magical disc that can cure all, If you are a plain user like me it's just a piece of glass no effect on my chronic pain health improvement etc, however BIODISC promoter will tell you that it's a wellness tool not a medicine, not a health product (very deceptive)BIODISC Certificate states that it manufacture at the SCHOTT AG Grunenplan in Germany, exclusively for QUAMTUM Inteligence Sdn Bhd in Kuala Lumpur. Schott Glass is a Glass bottle & Glass vessel manufacturer I don't what has it got to do with NANOTECHNOLOGY?

From Peter (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia):

 Since my posting Aug 4, I have been checking this forum for some credible and honest response from someone or some organisation - so far..zilch. H. Adi is the only credible one - in my opinion. From him, I checked SCHOTT AG who really are makers of nano-engineered glass of all shapes and forms. I found there is even a SCHOTT MALAYSIA which office is in Penang. Called them about BIODISC - and as I expected, the person I spoke to knew nothing about it.

Checking their German website I found that they have various types of specialty (patented) glass and the nearest thing to a "wellness" glass disc are some made for hospital/surgical purposes. BUT..they do manufacture (using any of their own formulated glass brands) to order...and here is where my suspicions about this BIODISC grew.

Could this qn or qi ltd or amazcua or whatever have the BIODISC made by SCHOTT using some hospital grade glass and passing it off as some sort of universal qi whatever? And then there the posting by Andrew C of Australia who says he is a scientist - for God's sake, Andy - if you really did some scientific tests on this disc please share with us the results which you said are all positive! Can your results be repeated by me? Can they stand up to scrutiny and verifiable. Believe me - I really, really wish you really have something there - I really really need to believe that this damn disc can help me.

From Tony_M:

Contacting Schott AG is easy enough why did none of you do this? There is no patent or copywrite on the Biodisc anywhere on this planet, and therefore no confidentiality agreement is possible.

The reply was simple enough was manufactured by Schott (they could not tell me if it still is because it is not a regular production item and IS ONLY MADE ON RECEIPT OF AN ORDER, WITH PAYMENT). The Disc is manufactured in the Architectural Division, it has no relationship to suggestions by some that it is made from the same materials as the space-shuttle windscreen (more rubbish from idiots). Besides the physical dimensions, asthetic design and finish, there is ONLY ONE TECHNICAL ORDER ON THE MANUFACTURING INSTRUCTION, THAT THE GLASS IS NON-REFLECTIVE.

It is not even a special order request as Schott have this glass listed as a standard PRODUCT with its own order number. When purchasing the disc from Schott, you give the quantity required, the design brief (or CADCAM files) and select the glass type from their catalogue.

The import document to countries that then receive this order states ' ARCHITECTURAL GLASS MANUFACTURED IN GERMANY.

The reason glass is selected and not some other material is because there are no special fees or delays in shipping like there would be for porcelain (customs need to XRay) metal(production cost is much higer than glass), wood is again more expensive to manufacture and wood also has special requirement in customs that might cause additional expenses for the importer. Also Wood cannot be referred to as 'NANO ENGINEERED' AND YOU CANNOT SUGGEST AS EASILY THAT IT HAS 13 'MAGICAL' EARTH ELEMENTS.



  1. Biodisc yang dijual oleh Qnet tidak ada perlindungan hak cipta.
  2. Dihasilkan oleh syarikat SCHOTT di Jerman.
  3. Syarikat ini menghasilkan pelbagai produk berasaskan kaca, salah satunya piring kaca untuk hospital.
  4. Syarikat ini menerima tempahan. Pilih bahan/jenis kaca yang mereka ada, nyatakan saiz, bentuk dan ciri-ciri lain yang dikehendaki, kemudian akan dihantar ke pihak yang menempahnya,
  5. Bahagian yang menghasilkan biodisc itu ialah 'Architectural Division'. Dokumen import yang diterima oleh pihak yang menempah akan tertulis: 'Architectural Glass Manufactured in Germany'.
  6. Sebab kaca menjadi bahan pilihan: tiada bayaran tambahan, tidak bermasalah/delay di kastam (contoh kalau guna porcelain, perlu x-ray terlebih dahulu), kos lebih murah (berbanding guna logam atau kayu) dan mudah untuk menyatakan ada unsur mineral ajaib di dalamnya (cth agak tak lojik untuk mengatakan dalam kayu ada 13 unsur mineral yang dipadukan untuk memberi unsur kesihatan dll).

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